Nov 02, 2023What could you accomplish if you believed you were loved? What would you do, each day, if you believed that that love was free? What actions would you take if you knew unconditional love was real?
These questions prompted me to design an experiment, of sorts, where I practiced these ideas until they felt true to me. Then, I began to use them to make decisions. I asked myself these new questions: Since I am loved unconditionally, what do I want to add into my life? Since I know myself as loved, what do I want to do with this day? Since I believe in the promise of unconditional love, how will I act today?
From this vantage point, I began to see a lot of behaviors that were driven by perceptions on needing to prove your value, which is no surprise as we live in a conditional love reality. One where everything, including love, is a transaction where both sides are sizing up their end of the bargain to see if the transaction was worth it.
When you apply the idea of free, unconditional love to our world of conditional love, there’s a phase where the brain says, this does not compute. Then there is a phase where the brain says, if this is free, it must be worthless. Then there is the phase where the mind seems to click in and say, if this is for real, how do I get on board?
If you are a seeker, I hope you are in the final phase where you are soaking up the truth of grace and the promise of unconditional love. I hope that you are seeing yourself as divinely supported and infinitely resourced. I hope you are finding ways to enjoy your life.
But if you are still in the early phases, don’t give up. Hang in there with a practice of these ideas until you find a way to make them stick. Hang in there until you find the feelings to match the ideas. Hang in there, for yourself, until you give grace a chance to work its way into your life.
But if you are still in the early phases, don’t give up. Hang in there with a practice of these ideas until you find a way to make them stick. Hang in there until you find the feelings to match the ideas. Hang in there, for yourself, until you give grace a chance to work its way into your life.
The idea that we are loved unconditionally is so far fetched that it may take you awhile to believe it. That’s ok. That’s what I see as the purpose of life. Showing us what we believe, and then perpetually presenting us with opportunities to upgrade our beliefs.

Which is why I hold an intent to be where I am. Not that I am adverse to growth, but because I trust that life will show me what beliefs I could change for the better. Like deciding to believe that I am loved. I suppose I could create a belief that says, no one cares about me, but that seems silly. Isn’t it much more logical to believe you are loved and then see what happens?
As I did that, here is what happened, for me:
I stopped caring what other people thought of me.
I made peace with all my limitations and sought to make the most of where I am.
I created other new ideas, which I practiced, to better support me, my goals, and those I love.
I became interested in life in a new, and deeper, way.
I felt more confident.
I stopped my negative self talk.
I saw opportunities everywhere.

This one idea caused me to stop second guessing my goals, my hopes, and my dreams and to begin to see those wants as evidence that I was alive. Some people ask, what would you do if you weren’t afraid. A good question. A better one is, what would you do if you believed you were unconditionally loved?
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