Feb 15, 2024For those of us with a strong inner critic (you know who you are), then you might have developed a habit of letting the critic run, but not listening to her. That’s a useful way to cope in life, but it could be detrimental to your health, as you let those crazy, broken ideas run rampant in the background of your life. Here is how you might experience that:
- You feel tense for no reason.
- You can’t sit still.
- You don’t know why you feel anxious, but you do.
- You seem to have no desire to explore your mind or your past, as you fear the critic’s loud voice.
- You are overly critical of others.
These are all signs that we have a critic running in the background, and we are so used to him that we no longer notice his negative ways.
The first step out of a critic loop is to start a process of building yourself back up. Of consciously doing the work of showing up for yourself and examining your ideas. Of making time to say the words that you need to hear.

If you suspect that you have an inner critic running on auto-pilot in your life, get my Lose Your Critic for Good book. It will walk you through a process of creating a script, that you can practice every day, to combat the critic and free yourself from her haranguing ways.
There is life without an inner critic. There is a way to heal up your wounds. There is a way to learn to talk to yourself differently. And when you do? Watch out. Your hopes and dreams will become technicolor and your energy will light up the room. That’s where I am living today, and the fun part is that I am using my path of divorcing myself from my inner critic to power my own journey, creating courses to help others do the same.
There is life without an inner critic. There is a way to heal up your wounds. There is a way to learn to talk to yourself differently.
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