Aug 27, 2024

For a long time, I associated spirituality with keeping quiet. Not speaking my mind for fear of offending others. Not staking a claim for what I wanted for fear of asking for too much. Not standing up for what I thought because of concern that my beliefs were off base.

Repression and spirituality have a long history, so I won’t suppose that my singular break up of those two ideas is going to impact anyone else. But I am still going to tell my tale.

As I came into an awareness of the truth of who I am—which I see as an energetic being just like you—I realized that full and honest expression was essential to the soul-filled life. I learned that total and complete revelation of my ideas was the secret key to bettering my ideas. I came to understand that the soul who is me has a lot to say.

Which is why I write. This level of soul expression calls to me every day. This level of soul revelation helps me every day. This level of telling it like it is is the only way I know how to be.

My personal brand of spirituality has little room for false rumors. I have little patience for ideas that make love conditional. And, I have views on how the world works that I am now willing to share.


Because this level of expression feels good to me.

That’s the best answer I have for how one follows her heart. She does the activity that feels the best to her and has faith that those steps are in the right direction. Do I always get it right? Beats me. I can only answer that question from the vantage point that is me. And with that lens, I think I’m doing A-OK.

I show up each day and am honest about what I think and how I feel. I use that data to ask myself good questions and to see if I need a change-up in what I am thinking. If I feel my thinking is skewing negative, I do the work of setting myself back on a path of positivity that gives a little grace to others and my creator. That, in a nutshell, is how I live my life.

What blocks us are our own ideas that limit our ability to express. What holds us back are our own limiting beliefs about who we are. What holds us apart from our own spirit are wacky ideas that say, A good person keeps her mouth shut.

I let go of all those limitations so I could experience life fully as a whole, healed individual. That’s one of my life goals: heal up all my past wounds so that I don’t inflict hurt onto others.

How’s that going?

Well, I—like you—am a work in progress. I have no one to compare myself to, so I took the liberty of deciding that I am doing a bang up job healing up my past. If I am going to create a belief about myself, it’s going to be one that supports me!

Where have you assumed that those who are spiritual are silent? Where have you bought into common wisdom on what it means to be good? Where are you holding yourself back, when you could be letting your spirit fly?

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