Dec 26, 2023

New Year’s Goals are a fun way to anticipate change. We make these resolutions feeling positive, upbeat, and hopeful, and there is great energy to those feelings. When I am feeling those emotions, I am super productive. So this year, instead of chasing only goals, I am also chasing feelings.

I decided that my feelings were my key motivator for each of my goals, so why not bypass the goals, and go straight for the feeling? In fact, I felt so empowered, I decided to chase my goals and my feelings, at the same time.

Here is how that works.

Say I have a goal to re-organize my pantry. It’s a mess and I want a functioning, serene pantry to support me at meal times. So, that’s my goal. The feeling I want is calm and easy access to resources needed to prepare a meal. I want to feel like I could lay my hands on any item the moment I walk into the pantry. That’s the feeling I want.

Once you land on the feeling you are chasing, practice getting into that feeling. Practice any idea that conjures up those feelings. Practice saying, here is how I want to feel. Envision yourself walking into that pantry and clapping your hands because you are excited for the feeling you just had.

Now, take all those feelings with you once you take a step toward your goal. If you are headed to buy containers to organize your pantry, get into the feeling space first. If you are about to empty out the pantry, use visualization to keep your mind on the good feelings as you work. If it helps, hang up pictures of a beautiful pantry that you can look at, as you work, and say “I want that.”

Remember, good feelings make you super productive. So use your good feelings, on purpose, to propel you into all of your goals.

Remember, good feelings make you super productive. So use your good feelings, on purpose, to propel you into all of your goals.

Learning to aim for feelings is a skill you can practice. If you want to start small, select a feeling you want to enjoy today, and set an intention to feel that way.

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