Jan 15, 2025

Today marks the one day birthday of my first book, Lose Your Critic for Good. And like any proud parent, I can’t stop talking about this little gem of a book.

When I wrote this book, I was eager to pull together all my best advice for how to turn your life from so-so and getting-by into supercharged and super fun. I wanted to shout from the rooftops to all the Enneagram 1s and tell them that life with the critic is optional, not required.

Now that I have taken a step back from the book, I can see that the book is for everyone. Here are the people who would be helped if they read my book.

  • Those who tend to settle in any area of life. For instance, you only buy if something is on sale and you keep things you don’t want just in case you need them.
  • Those who have big dreams but take no action toward them. For instance, someone who says she wants to travel, but never goes anywhere.
  • Those who fret over their health, size, or financial situation. For instance, you spend most of your day thinking about what is wrong versus what is good.
  • Those who put themselves last and all others first. For instance, you spend most of your waking hours caring for and thinking about other people.
  • Those who stew in fear or worry. For instance, you incessantly read the news and go into negative scenario planning.
  • Those who are listening to the crowd instead of their inner guidance. For instance, you often ask, What should I do here?
  • Those who want to break free from a series of failures and start succeeding. For instance, you feel like life is against you, but you are ready for a break.

I could make this longer, but you get the point. Lots of people could benefit. What I want, however, is for this book to reach people who are ready for big, positive change in their lives.

I want to reach people who want to cruise to success on all their life goals.

I want to reach people who want their remaining years of life to be filled with exciting projects, lots of fun, and a total faith in themselves.

I want to reach people who are ready to soar.

Sound like you? Grab a copy of my book here.

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