Dec 31, 2024

How many of us spend hours thinking of the things that could go wrong and then planning for how we will avoid or prepare for that wrong turn? How many of us spend days thinking up ways that our project could go sideways without ever turning our attention to what we will do if the project is a complete and total success? How many of us fail to call on our spirit to reach our goals?

This is how I see it. Our thoughts are prayers and our thoughts hold power. When you spend all your time assuming failure, and then planning for how to respond to it, you create powerful thoughts that aren’t what you want. You’re essentially sending off a prayer that says, Here is what I don’t want to happen but I am so attached to this idea that maybe it will now come true.

What’s a higher power supposed to do with all that?

The far better, and more efficient, way to pray is to send off a request for your success plan. The far more satisfying way to use your noggin is to think up things that you will do once you are successful with your goal. The far more effective way to achieve your goals is to aim for what you want, instead of contemplating what you do not want.

Spiritual goal achievement is about crafting a success plan and then carrying a little faith that someone is listening. It’s about going all in on what you truly want and then expecting that life will do its best to help you. It’s about leveraging your spirit to get where you want to go.

Ready to win the new year? Sit down today and write a story of your total success for 2025. Write a story of great laughs, great love, and great food. Write a story of all your dreams working their way into your life in the most satisfying ways. Then, put your story away and go live your life.

This is how I work my goals. This is how I live my life. This is how I created my books, my newsletter, and this blog, all by envisioning my success and then living in today.

If you are ready to learn Spiritual Goal Achievement then sign up here to be considered for the first cohort for this new and exciting course. We’ll put you on the list and then schedule a call to see if this course is a good fit for you.

Cheers to 2025 being the year that you dream of success.

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