Practical Spirituality: Tools for a Better Life

Let Your Spirit Lead the Way

You've found this corner of the internet, which means you're spiritually curious and interested in leveraging your spirit for a better life. 

I’m Sue Erhart, founder of Practical Spirituality. As a writer exploring the pragmatic side of spirituality, I've created this community to share my best content and help you find your way guided by your own inner wisdom.

Let Your Spirit Lead the Way

You've found this corner of the internet, which means you're spiritually curious and interested in leveraging your spirit for a better life. 

I’m Sue Erhart, founder of Practical Spirituality. As a writer exploring the pragmatic side of spirituality, I've created this community to share my best content and help you find your way guided by your own inner wisdom.

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Get my Sunday Newsletter sent right in your inbox. 

A progression of essays helping you cultivate a closer relationship with your own spirit. Merely by reading along.

This isn't a newsletter about morality, goodness or even rightness. I make no claim to those ideals. My only claim is that spirituality is more fun, more productive, and more enlightening than you likely realize. 

I’m guessing this sounds familiar:

  • You’re in the midst of mid-life and you’re spiritually curious

  • You have a traditionally religious background and you’re feeling a pull towards exploring new age spirituality, but it all seems too “woo woo”

  • You are interested to learn how spirituality can help you accomplish your goals

I’m guessing this sounds familiar:

  • You’re in the midst of mid-life and you’re spiritually curious

  • You have a traditionally religious background and you’re feeling a pull towards exploring new age spirituality, but it all seems too “woo woo”

  • You are interested to learn how spirituality can help you accomplish your goals

What’s possible through these teachings:

"Practical Spirituality, and Sue Erhart herself, have introduced me to my innermost self. From my first dive into the writings, my worthiness was affirmed. I am committed to being the best version of me, and in doing the work, my self-awareness has been fine-tuned. Practical Spirituality has ignited my appetite for joy and truth and discovery. I am present in a whole new way, and I am eager to learn more."

-Kelly T.

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What to Expect from the Sunday Newsletter:

"Imagine having access to your own personal coach who is completely free and you can schedule whenever you feel like you’ve got a few minutes.  A coach who sees you and understands you, and provides you with weekly nuggets to make your life better.  That is what Sue’s weekly newsletter brings to me. 

Sue is such a fantastic writer, who uses her writing to give back to the world.  Her writing is vulnerable and real.  Her newsletter names our challenges and barriers to true happiness in life, and provides reasonable and accessible solutions to overcome them.  It’s my Sunday treat with my morning coffee!

I often wish I had the patience or time to read a book every week to help me be a better me.  Or the time to sit down in a coffee shop once a week for 30 minutes with a wise and wonderful woman who provides me with insights on the world.   A weekly 15 minute dose of Practical Spirituality accomplishes everything I could imagine from those wishes and more!  Thank you, Sue!"

-Kim A.

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Get my Sunday Newsletter sent right in your inbox. 

A progression of essays helping you cultivate a closer relationship with your own spirit. Merely by reading along.

This isn't a newsletter about morality, goodness or even rightness. I make no claim to those ideals. My only claim is that spirituality is more fun, more productive, and more enlightening than you likely realize. 

Subscribe to the Practical Spirituality Podcast for a Weekly Dose of Inspiration

Gather insights that help you express your true self by reconnecting with the spirit who is you, at your core.

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Browse my published and upcoming titles to help you change, grow, and thrive in life, by accepting your goodness as you are.

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Lose Your Critic For Good book by sue erhart sitting on table

Explore my Courses to See How Practical Spirituality Can Impact Your Life

Click below to explore my full library of courses to see which one speaks to you and get started on your Practical Spirituality journey today.

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Uncover Your Secret Superpower

Stop letting worry hold you back and transform that super skill into a force for change. 

Download the free checklist and turn worry into your ally. 

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A little more about me… 

I believe everyone is on a spiritual journey. I’ve witnessed others go through profound transformations with this work, and I’m a living proof example of how powerful Practical Spirituality can be as well.

My work helps others find connection to their own inner being.

My content covers a wide variety of topics but all offer a path to better self-love and appreciation. I'm here to provide you with the insights and tools to help you navigate your life more easily and effectively.

Learn More About Sue
Practical Spirituality Podcast playing on phone sitting on desk
Listen To The Podcast
Lose Your Critic For Good book by sue erhart sitting on table
Browse My Books

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